
Used for the cleaning of silicon wafers before chamfering after LAPPING, to remove large particles, slurry, etc. left in the preamble. According to customer needs, the process flow is customized to achieve the expected cleanliness.

Used for cleaning silicon wafers after peeling and before chamfering, to remove large particles, organic matter, etc. left behind by the previous process, and to customize the process flow according to customer needs to achieve the expected cleanliness.
Wire cutting post cleaning machine (PSC)

It is used for cleaning after edge polishing to remove particles, organics and metals brought by polishing. According to customer needs, the process flow can be customized to achieve the expected cleanliness.
Edge Polishing Cleaner(EPC)

Used for the etching of silicon wafers after Lapping, uniform and controllable etching of the surface of the silicon wafers with acid and lye has improved its TTV performance. According to customer needs, it can also have a certain cleaning function.
Hybrid Etcher

It is used for the cleaning of silicon wafers before annealing to remove particles and organic matters left by the preamble. According to customer needs, the process flow can be customized to achieve the expected cleanliness.
Furnace Cleaner(HTC)

It is used for the cleaning of silicon wafers to remove wax, and to remove the wax layer on the polishing back of silicon wafers to meet the process requirements.
De-Wax Cleaner

It is used for the cleaning of silicon wafers before the final shipment, and the tank process flow is customized according to customer needs to meet conditions such as metal, particles, and output.
Final Cleaner

It is used for cleaning after double-sided polishing to remove particles, organics and metals brought by double-sided polishing to prepare for the final cleaning. According to customer needs, the process flow can be customized to achieve the expected cleanliness.
Double Side Polishing Cleaner(DSPC)

Used for the etching of silicon wafers after Lapping, uniform and controllable corrosion of the silicon wafer surface with lye has improved its TTV performance. According to customer needs, it can also have a certain cleaning function.
Alkali Etcher
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Alkali Etcher
Used for the etching of silicon wafers after Lapping, uniform and controllable corrosion of the silicon wafer surface with lye has improved its TTV performance. According to customer needs, it can also have a certain cleaning function.

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